就在一年前,该规定提出一项要求,在美国境外进行医疗器械临床试验的申请人应提供GCP符合性声明,同时也修订了在美国进行临床试验的某些提交和申请方面的法规,即与人体受试者保护、伦理审查委员会、研究用器械豁免政策(IDE)申请相关的法规方面要求提供一项符合性声明,其范围包括IDEs、510(k)提交、人道主义器械的豁免(HDE)申请。对于国外临床试验的要求也适用于上市前批准申请(PMAs),de novo 分类请求和产品开发方案。
在21日一份发给企业的提醒生效日期的公告中,CDRH提出,该项最终规定适用于2019年2月21日及以后完成入组第一例患者工作的所有临床试验,适用于IDEs,510(k),de novo,PMAs,HDEs或产品开发方案。
Final FDA Rule toRequire Foreign Device GCP Compliance Comes into Effect
Posted 21 February2019 | By Ana Mulero
The US Food andDrug Administration (FDA) final rule that requires foreign clinical investigationsfor medical devices to comply with good clinical practice (GCP)requirementscame into effect on Thursday.
The 2018 final rule is intended to provideconsistency in the agency requirements for the acceptance of data derived frommedical device clinical investigation, regardless of the type of marketingsubmission or application and whether the investigation was conducted in oroutside of the US.
Exactly one year ago, the final rule set a requirement for sponsorsand applicants conducting medical device investigations overseas to provide astatement of GCP compliance. It also amended regulations on certain submissionsand applications for US investigations to require a statement of compliancewith set regulations in the areas of human subject protection, institutionalreview boards and investigational device exemption (IDE) applications. Theseinclude IDEs, 510(k)submissions and humanitarian device exemption (HDE) applications.The requirement on foreign investigations also applies to premarket approval applications(PMAs), de novo classification requests and product development protocols.
To help sponsors and applicants comply withthe new and updated requirements, FDA Center for Devices and RadiologicalHealth (CDRH) issued guidance on the acceptance of clinical data to supportapplications and submissions. This was issued along with the releaseof the final rule last February.
In a notice sent on Thursday to remind industryof the effective date, CDRH noted that the final rule applies to all clinicalinvestigations that enroll the first subject on or after 21 February 2019 andthat support IDEs, 510(k)s, de novo, PMAs, HDEs or product developmentprotocols.
CDRH also pointed to anew webpage aimed at aiding in compliance with the requirements ofthe final rule and final guidance on refuse-to-accept (RTA)policies thatreceived minor updates to reflect these requirements. The guidance on RTApolicies for 510(k) submissions and PMA application was updated lastJanuary.
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